"For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy."— CCC, no. 2558, citing St. Therese of Lisieux
At Blessed Trinity Parish, we invite to explore the many different ways our parish offers to those who want to enhance their prayer life.
Prayer Request Groups. From Prayer Chains to the Liturgy of the Hours we invite you to make a request or join us in prayer for others.
Mass Intensions. A specific offering of a mass as a gift to someone who is grieving a recent loss or celebrating a milestone. in honor of or in memory of someone.
Candle Requests. When offering a Sanctuary Candle to burn for for a special occasion, in memory of a loved one or other intention, the light signifies our prayer, which is offered in faith, entering the light of God. Please consider gifting a Sanctuary Candle.
Catholic Prayers. A resource of prayers for those who practice the faith of the Roman Catholic Church.
Adoration Chapel. A sacred place for reflection, prayer, and fellowship. Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week for adoration of the Holy Eucharist, quiet prayer, and reflection.
Catholic Prayers. A collection of Prayers for those who practice the faith of the Roman Catholic Church.