The Liturgical Ministries. The word "liturgy" comes from the Greek word leitourgia which means "work of the people." As Catholics, the word "liturgy" refers to the celebration of the Mass, the center of our Catholic faith life. Together, as a church family, we are all called to participate in the liturgy through our prayer, song and spoken responses at Mass. Some of us also feel called to serve at Mass as liturgical ministers.
Our liturgies at Blessed Sacrament couldn’t be successful without our dedicated group of liturgical ministers sharing their time and talent with our parish community.
The Liturgical Ministries include
All of these roles play an important part in our parish and the Sunday Mass. Those who choose to fulfill these roles hold a special place in our parish community.
Do you feel called to participate more fully in the Mass as a liturgical minister?
If you would like to learn more about serving in any of the liturgical ministry positions, please contact the parish office at 413.773.3311 or [email protected].
All training is provided. We always welcome new disciples to serve Christ and our parish in this dynamic ministry!