"The Sacrament of Anointing the Sick" permits us to touch with our hands, God's compassion for humanity" and bring God's healing presence to those who are suffering. - Pope Francis
The Sacrament itself has three distinct parts: the prayer of faith, the laying-on of hands, and the anointing with oil.
1. The Prayer of Faith. It is the whole community, the People of God, who pray for God's help for the sick person. And if one member suffers, all share in those sufferings.
2. The Laying-On of Hand. This recalls Jesus’ manner of healing: “They brought the sick with various diseases to him; and He laid hands on every one of them and healed them” (Luke 4:40). The gesture indicates that this particular person is the object of the Church’s prayer of faith. It is a sign of blessing and an invocation for the coming of the Spirit.
3. Anointing with Oil. This part signifies healing, strengthening and the presence of the Holy Spirit. In biblical times, oil was used to massage athletes to fortify them for the race ahead. In the sacrament, the forehead and hands are anointed, and sometimes additional parts of the body, such as the area of pain or injury.
Who Can be Anointed? A person’s age is not the primary factor in receiving the Anointing of the Sick. Christians whose health is seriously impaired by sickness or old age can be anointed. Ideally, this Sacrament should be celebrated while the person receiving it is conscious and is accompanied by loved ones.
The ritual specifies that this Sacrament may be repeated: “a) when the sick person recovers after being anointed and, at a later time, becomes sick again; b) when during the same illness the condition of the sick person becomes more serious.
If someone has been previously anointed, and that person is chronically ill or elderly, and is in a weakened condition, the Sacrament of Anointing may be given again, if in the judgement of priest, the condition of the sick person warrants the repetition of the Sacrament.
Who Can Anoint the Sick?
Only a bishop or priest is allowed to anoint the seriously ill, injured, or the elderly with the oil of the sick. This oil is a special oil only used for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. It is blessed by the bishop at the Chrism Mass during Holy Week.
If you or a loved one is serioulsly ill, injured or facing surgery and would like a priest to visit and to celebrate this Sacrament, hear a confession, receive the Eucharist and/or anoint them, please contact Fr. Pierz, one of our clergy or the parish office so that we can make immediate arrangements for a visit to the hospital, nursing home or at home.